Tori – Sayoko acoustic version Lyrics mp3 download


yo, ohayoo minna san, hari ini mimin mau berbagi lagu lagi nih, judulnya sayoko, nih link download mp3nya [Download Link]

dan ini dia liriknya, selamat menghafal


  Romaji English
冷蔵庫の中には何にも無い 只あるのはお茶とお薬 Reizouko no naka niwa nannimo nai tada aru nowa ocha to okusuri There’s nothing in my fridge except for some tea, and my medicine.
一錠ごとに胸がふわふわ 不安が満ちてく Ichijou goto ni mune ga fuwafuwa fuan ga michiteku With each pill swallowed, I grow more agitated as anxiety takes over me.
iphone 撫でるその指先も べたべたと粘る髪の毛も iphone naderu sono yubisaki mo betabeta to nebaru kaminoke mo There isn’t a single thing that’s clean here– not my fingertips, leaving grimy marks on my phone screen,
何一つ綺麗なもんなんて 有る筈も無いな nani hitotsu kirei na mon nante aru hazu mo nai na And certainly not my greasy, sticky hair. Then again, that’s nothing new.
死にたくて 死にたくて そっと Shinitakute shinitakute sotto I’ve only just noticed how my scarred wrist,
間違って 傷をつけた手首は Machigatte kizu o tsuketa tekubi wa courtesy of those times that I gave in to my longing for death,
いつしか茶色く汚れてる Itsushika chairoku yogoreteru is now covered in dirty brown streaks.
締め切ったボクの瞼 Shimekitta boku no mabuta With my eyes tightly shut,
カーテンの隙間に朝が来ても Kaaten no sukima ni asa ga kite mo of course I wouldn’t be able to tell
気付く筈無い Kizuku hazu nai when the morning light trickles in through the gaps in the curtain.
友達のエリもタカユキも 本当のトコ 他人のコトなど Tomodachi no Eri mo Takayuki mo hontou no toko hito no koto nado There’s my friends, Eri and Takayuki, but honestly, they seem too busy to have time
気にしてる暇も無いくらい 忙しそうだしな ki ni shiteru hima mo nai kurai isogashi sou da shi na to worry about other’s problems, so yeah.
それにしても何この笑窪 ありがちな家族と人生 sore ni shite mo nani kono ekubo arigachina kazoku to jinsei Anyway, what’s the point of me faking all these smiles? It’s not like there’s a single thing to be proud of
何一つ誇れるもんなんて 有る筈も無いな nani hitotsu hokoreru mon nante aru hazu mo nai na when it comes to my nondescript family or my nondescript life.
眠たくて 眠たくて ずっと Nemutakute nemutakute zutto I’m so sleepy, so very sleepy.
このまんま痺れるほど眠ったら Kono manma shibireru hodo nemuttara If only I could fall into an eternal sleep, just like this…
起きて リンゴ齧って眠る Okite ringo kajitte nemuru I’d gladly get up to take a bite of that poisoned apple.
無意識 装って ゆらり Muishiki yosootte yurari Let’s say that I climb onto the balcony,
べランダに登って風が吹いても Beranda ni nobotte kaze ga fuite mo teetering a little, to make it look as if I’m not quite aware of what I’m doing.
飛べる筈無い Toberu hazu nai Still, there’s no way can jump down, even if there is a strong wind blowing.
あんなに好きなお笑いも Anna ni suki na owarai mo Why is it that even that comedy show I used to love so much
人生変えた音楽でさえ Jinsei kaeta ongaku de sae and the music that changed my life
何故に僕の事を否定するの Naze ni boku no koto o hitei suru no are now invalidating my very existence?
死にたくて 死にたくて そっと Shinitakute shinitakute sotto I’ve only just noticed how my scarred wrist,
間違って 傷をつけた手首は Machigatte kizu o tsuketa tekubi wa courtesy of those times that I gave in to my longing for death,
いつしか茶色く汚れてる Itsushika chairoku yogoreteru is now covered in dirty brown streaks.
締め切ったボクの瞼 Shimekitta boku no mabuta With my eyes tightly shut,
カーテンの隙間に朝が来ても Kaaten no sukima ni asa ga kite mo how would I be able to tell
キヅカナイヨ Kizukanai yo when the morning light trickles in through the gaps in the curtain?
そんな日が そんな日が ずっと続くんやって嘆いても Sonna hi ga sonna hi ga zutto tsuzukun yatte nageite mo Try as I might to despair the prospect of such agonizing days continuing without reprieve,
何かが 癒えるわけじゃ無い Nanika ga ieru wake ja nai it’s not like any of my pains will subside.
癒える筈無い Ieru hazu nai There’s no possible way for them to subside.
キエテシマオウ Kiete shimaou I might as well just vanish from this world.
うん、消えてしまおう un, kiete shimaou Yes, I’m going to vanish from this world.