林檎売りの泡沫少女 Ringo Uri no Utakata Shoujo Lyrics Download


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Song Name: Ringo Uri no Utakata Shoujo [林檎売りの泡沫少女]
Original Artist: Gumi Vocaloid
Vocal: Kurokumo


Tooi tooi toki no hate 
soko ni sumau hito wa minna

Eien no inochi o motsu

 sekai de no hanashi

Akai mi no naru ki no shita 

La La Lu La umarenagara ni

Shi no noroi ga kakerareta shoujo no hanashi

Irozuita machi hazure aoku hikaru kohan akai mi no okashiya

Choppiri samuku natta kyou wa myou ni hokorashige jishinsaku o uri ni yuku

Mattete kondo koso oishiin dakara

Tokeitou no mieru ichi odoroita

Mezurashiku nigiyaka ne La La Lu La Lucky!!

Monougena machi no sumi hitori

Akai mi no pai dou desu ka jishinsaku nano

Sonna no hitotsu mo urenai sa shoujo o mite sagesumu hito tachi

Minna to nanimo kawaranai no ni oishiku dekita no ni

Kyou mo koe wa todokanai no ne

Maru de toumei ni natta mitai da wa

Soushite daremo ga shiranu furi o shita

Nazenara shoujo wa norowareteiru kara

Shinda sekai de tada hitori ikite ita shoujo no hanashi

Yonabe de arenji pai to nikkori sumairu hissage

Shoujo wa mada akiramenai

Tokeitou no hari mo sora o sashite onaka o naru sonna toki

Futo ushiro kara hito ga shoujo o osu amai kago wa ochiru

Okashi o fumiyuku hito tachi heiki na kao shite sa

Mijime ni hiroiatsumeru futo mou hitori no te ga

Dorodoro no pai o omomuro ni kuchi ni irete “Oishii ne”

Sono koe de kokoro wa afureta

Maru de rinkaku o egaita mitai da wa

Soushite kare wa te o sashidashita

Nazenara shoujo ni norowarete iru kara

Shinda sekai de tada futari ikite ita tooi monogatari

Machi no hito tachi wa awaremu akai mi o tabete norowareta mono o

Eien ni ikirarezu ni shinu no sa aa nante kawaisou na hanashi

Futari wa warau sore demo warau

Kuruoshii irodori de

La La La tottemo suteki na noroi ne

Tatoe ashita shinde mo “ima” ga tashika de taisetsu ni naru kara

Mou koe wa todokanai no ne

Maru de toumei ni natta mitai da wa

Soushite daremo ga shiranu furi o shita

Naze nara sekai ga norowarete iru kara

“Eien” no noroi wa tokarete ita

Marude futari no hou ga kurutta mitai darou

Soushite itsuka warau you ni nemuru

Naze nara futari wa houtarete iru kara

Shinda sekai de tada futari dake ga shiawase datta  


遠い遠い時の果て そこに住まう人は皆


赤い実の成る木の下 La La Lu La 生まれながらに


色付いた街外れ 蒼く光る湖畔 赤い実のお菓子屋

ちょっぴり寒くなった今日は妙に誇らしげ 自信作を売りにゆく

待ってて 今度こそ 美味しいんだから

時計塔の見える市 驚いた

珍しく賑やかね La La Lu La Lucky!!

物憂げな街の隅 ひとり

赤い実のパイどうですか 自信作なの

そんなのひとつも売れないさ 少女を見て蔑む人達

みんなと何も変わらないのに 美味しくできたのに






夜なべでアレンジパイと にっこりスマイル引っ提げ


時計塔の針も空を指して お腹も鳴るそんな時

ふと後ろから人が少女を押す 甘い籠は落ちる

お菓子を踏み行く人達 平気な顔してさ

惨めに拾い集める ふともうひとりの手が

どろどろのパイを徐に口に入れて 「おいしいね」






街の人達は哀れむ 赤い実を食べて呪われた者を

永遠に生きられずに死ぬのさ 嗚呼なんて可哀想な話

ふたりは笑う それでも笑う


La La La とっても素敵な呪いね

例え明日死んでも 『今』が確かで大切になるから










English Translation: 

This is a tale at the far ends of time,

In a place where people have eternal life…

This is a tale of a girl (la la lu la), born under a tree bearing red fruit,

Who was thus cursed with the fate of death…

On the colored outskirts, by a sparkling blue lake, there was a bakery of red fruit

Feeling unusually proud on this chilly day, the girl went to sell her confections

This’ll be the day, you’ll see – they’re very tasty…

She found the city of the clock tower

To be unusually busy; la la lu la lucky!!

Alone in the gloomy corners of town;

How about some red-fruit pie? I made it myself!

But not a single one would sell; the people scorned the girl

But I’m no different from you all… And they’re so delicious…

Once again, my voice falls short;

It’s as if I’m simply invisible…

Such is how everyone feigned ignorance,

Because the girl was cursed…

A tale of a dead world, where only one girl lived…

That night, she prepared assorted pies and a big smile;

The girl would not yet give up

Even the clock hands pointed skyward, and as her stomach rumbled…

Suddenly, she was pushed from behind, her sweet basket fell to the ground

People trampled her confections without even a care…

Miserably she gathered them, when another hand reached out;

He gently put a muddled pie in his mouth – “It’s delicious…”

His words made my heart overflow,

As if he’d given me a place for it to fill…

Such is how he reached out to her,

Because the girl had cursed him…

A distant story of a dead world, where only two lived…

The townspeople pitied them; those who were cursed by the red fruit

Would not live forever, but die instead… Ah, what a tragic tale…

But the two laughed, yes, they laughed still

La la la – It’s such a wonderful curse

Even if we die tomorrow, we can easily treasure the “now”…

I suppose my voice will always fall short;

It’s as if I’m simply invisible…

Such is how everyone feigned ignorance,

Because the world was cursed…,

Having been rid of the curse of “eternity,”

It must have seemed they were the ones gone mad…

And so they slept, intending to smile,

Because the two had been freed…

In that dead world, two alone were happy…

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